

Time Balls, Kings and Telescopes

What's on at Star Safari in Wairarapa, NZ

Or, be an armchair astronomer

If you can’t make it to Wairarapa or New Zealand,  learn astronomy online with us and SLOOH. 

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Learn from 
award-winning photographer Alex Conu

A very short story of astronomy at the top of the cable car, where we still operate.

Charles Rooking Carter – benefactor
Carter Observatory before the planetarium was constructed

Source: Time Balls, Kings & Telescopes

Join us in Wairarapa
for stargazing

Great big balls of stars

Globular Clusters are a fascinating objects to view and can be easily seen with binoculars, they are groups of ancient stars huddled together and orbiting the central bulge of our galaxy.

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Te Waka O Tamarereti

As the waka entered the sky, Tama Rereti began to scatter the luminescent stones and pebbles in all directions as he went along. The wake of the canoe became the Milky Way and the stones and pebbles became its stars.
This is why we have stars in the sky.

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